Danska webbshop - danska favoritmärken. Frakt 59 kr - fri från 899 kr. REA - Spara upp till 70% på 4000 produkter.

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How to order
  1. Click on the product you want to buy, to open the product page.
  2. Select maybe another quantity and click on "Add to cart" to put the product(s) in the shopping cart.
  3. When you are finished adding products to your shopping cart, click on the shopping cart icon at the top right.
  4. Click on "Checkout" to start the purchase process. There are 3 steps, and you can still make changes until you make the payment at step 3 "Payment".
  5. Step 1 "Cart": Check that the shopping cart contains the desired items, then select delivery (if there are several options). Click on "Continue" to go to the address step.
  6. Step 2 "Address": Enter your delivery address information and enter, if necessary, a different billing address. Choose point of delivery / package shop, if that’s the delivery choice you chose. Click on "Continue" to save and go to the payment step. If something is incorrect, it will be marked in red.
  7. Step 3 "Payment": Choose how you want to pay and make the payment.
  8. Your order number will be displayed, when your order was completed successfully. The order number contains 6 or 7 digits (0-9). The order number and a copy of your order is now sent to the email address you provided. (Check, if necessary, your spam / junk mail folder).
  9. If you have chosen bank payment, please transfer the amount as soon as possible, so we can process your order.
The menu
  1. Locate the menu bar at the top of the page (on your mobile: on the top left). We have organized the products into categories, and those are listed as points in the menu.
  2. Click on the menu item that you are interested in. If you think that is too arduous, then please use the search engine instead.
  1. In the search field at the top of the page, write precisely what product you"re looking for.
  2. Now all the products, that contain the keyword(s) you have written, are showing.
  3. If there are no results, try entering what you are searching for a little shorter and in another way. Perhaps we have named the products something other than what you’d expect. If too many products appear, you can further restrict your search with the filter to the left.
  4. There may be several pages of results. See the next page by clicking on "Next". You can flip back and forth.
  1. Use the filter function on the left to limit the product list further. For example, click on a certain brand name under "Brands" to only view products from that brand.
  2. You can select multiple brands to see products from all your favorite brands at once.
  3. You can limit your search further by selecting something from a different filter, such as price or product availability. The available filter-points are dependent on the displayed products.
  4. The selected filters appear above the product list (on mobile: you can see how many are selected).
  5. A filter-point can be removed by clicking on the filter-point again. You can reset the filter completely by clicking on "Reset filters".

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